Monday, February 1, 2016

So much excitement!!!!‏

Ah! This week has been absolutely amazing!!!!! Even if I've had to wear a brace.  But update on that, my wrist is doing MUCH better! :D  It usually feels just fine until now when I have to type a million words per minute. 

So, Shane was baptized!!!! :D  And it was an amazing weekend because of it!  Funny moments - Shane had done a practice thing with Brother Black in our last lesson so he knew kinda what to expect.  So he gets into the water, gets in the arm holding position thing, and before a word can be said he starts to lean back to go into the water.  We had to quickly stop him and tell him that a prayer needed to be said first.  Then when the prayer was being said, Brother Black forgot to say his name the first time around and so we had to stop that one mid-prayer and start over once again.  But after that it went smoothly.  And it was just absolutely fantastic.  When Shane was confirmed on Sunday and received the Holy Ghost it was just so powerful!! It's incredible that this has all happened in a mere two weeks.  It still doesn't even seem real.  And guess what!!!! Shane is now an Aaronic Priesthood holder as well!!!! And we got to be in the room when he was ordained a Priest!!! :D  Which was by total accident.  We had already gone out to the car to leave the church and then realized we needed to get a paper signed.  We were about to just leave and do it another day, but decided otherwise and went inside.  We go to find Shane and find out that he's in an interview with the Bishop to get the Aaronic Priesthood! So we waited around and got to witness that.  It was just... AH! I loved it so so so much.  The Spirit was SO strong that day!!! :D

Also on Sunday, I got to perform a musical number with Sister Navarro.  She played Ukulele and we both sang Come Thou Fount.  It was so cool!  Sister Navarro is just amazing.  

Oh!  And on Monday we got to go out with a new missionary for her first night!!! That was exciting.  We took her to two lessons so she could get a feel for missionary work.  The poor soul, she had just flown in from Provo just earlier that day so she was exhausted, but it was so great.  Sister Ledford and I at least had lots of fun with it :)

Random fact - We exceeded our monthly goals!!!! I haven't done that my entire mission.  But we finally had realistic goals this month and we did better than we thought we would!!! So that was a really great thing to do.

Oh!  And this week we had an awesome activity with the scouts!  We went to their pack meeting and had them write their testimonies in a book of Mormon we gave them. Then they gave them back to us so others could read their testimonies and be touched by them.  I sent a picture of one.  They were just the cutest thing ever.  But then after the testimonies were written out, we had them act out the story of Ammon and King Lamoni.  Sword fighting, cutting off arm and all :)  It was just a blast!!! I don't have any pictures of the night sadly, but it was so great.  We had cut out paper arms so the "bad guys" could actually lose their arms when Ammon hit them with his cardboard sword.  And then the King Lamoni (our Sunday School teacher Brother Roundy) "fainted" at the end when he heard the gospel message Ammon had to share.  And then everyone fainted to the floor.  It was just hilarious.  And the little boys ate it up like none other.

Those were the bigger highlights of this week... I can't think of much else.  Sister Ledford and I are doing well.  We're continually growing and learning.  Which is great! :D 

I received my Sister Training Leader assignments this past week!  I'm assigned the St. Michael's and Gallup Sisters.  So that'll be a good 4 hour drive every time we have exchanges... which will be 4 different times.  Once for each Sister.  It should be an exciting transfer!  I still don't know how I'm gonna pull off all the exchanges, but it will all work out.

And yeah!  I hope you're all doing fantastic!! I love you all!!!! :D
Becca :)

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